Inspired by Stahly’s post about his 2012 projects I thought I’d give you guys an sneak peek of some of the models I’m hoping to work on in 2012.
2012 will see a huge expansion in my Ultramarine collection using the models from the Mega Force and the Thunderhawk Gunship. I will also continue to paint Dreadfleet models. I’ve had theArachnarokSpider for a few months now and not done anything with it, maybe 2012 will see me start it!I’m also looking forward to starting the Tyranids in the Tyranid Attack game. I’ve almost completed the marines with just a Librarian left to paint.
What do you guys have on your painting tables? Do you have a model that you’ve owned for a while and just haven’t even got round to opening the box yet like my Arachnarok?
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You'll have to link us to them when they have some paint on them Kai!
Yay, Tyranid Attack! I really dig the Tyranid Warriors from that box… they look somehow weird, but scary nonetheless!
Ok, what's on my desk… I've had a load of Marines lying around in parts and boxes, now I decided to give them some paint. After reading Ron's (From the Warp) great articles on black armour and weathering powders they're gonna be bad-ass batman-killer-ninja-Raven Guard. Watch the shadows, all of you!
Man tyranid attack, i aquired it back at school, then when i left in in the classroom and came back later, somebody had nicked all the terminators! i was VERY angry. ha, to be back in the 90's!
Ooh, tyranid attack. Just the other day I was talking to someone on about that game. Really looking forward to see you paint up these models. All in all, it all looks like pretty cool projects. Happy 2012!
For me its paint the models I have sitting in my corner. Two battle forces and a super heavy tank are waiting to be painted up.
Good news is, if it gets done I'll have a large variety to play with!
The goal of 2012 is to finish off existing projects. Still have about 500pts of Tyranids to add my 4000pts already painted. I also have about 1000pts of Dark Eldar to finish then that army is done. Once those are done then it will be trying for the millionth time to get into fantasy which never ends up happening.
Tyrants Attack! Now that brings back some memories!
Looking forward to seeing you tackle the thunderhawk – looks like one heck of a kit!
Happy 2012!