If you are a loyal reader of my blog you probably wait for my monthly White Dwarf review. Well, as a result of their new release policy (everything will be released on the last Saturday of the month with no teasers before at all) GW decided that White Dwarf subscribers won’t get their copy earlier from now on, but they will ship the issues at the day of release, which means that you get your issue some days later than in store. Seriously? You commit yourself to a subscription but instead of a preferred treatment you are getting disadvantaged? While you can argue about the quality of the magazine I was always looking forward to the newest issue arriving at my mail box and enjoyed the painting articles.
I’m really fed up now. Needless to say I cancelled my subscription as a sign of protest. This is another blow in a streak of bad marketing decisions lately after the latest price rise, the Finecast quality debacle and the southern hemisphere embargo. I just can’t understand how little GW cares for their loyal customers, especially for a company that relies on word of mouth mainly. They make it really hard to enjoy my hobby at the moment.
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You did well in cancelling the suscription. Those signals are the only ones they care about. I also try to buy my figures and magazines in other stores than theirs. At least, here in MA (Germany) it was usual that the press store in the train station had it like two days before… except this last month… I don't know if it was just because of the holidays (that's what the guys at the store told me) or it is because of the new GW policy. Either way I think I`ll try to buy it at the train station, even if this means reading it three or four days later…
The painting guides are normally the only item in the entire magazine of any value at all.
But good to see GWS shooting loyal customers in the face as usual!
As the guys said about, good choice. Hopefully they will start to take notice. I am but a fish in the sea, but I have stopped buying the magazine completely now.
The integrity of the magazine has been compromised for some time now, the articles with substance have become few and far between and the whole thing reads as an advertisement.
I still stick by my opinion that hype is king and I think they are making a huge mistake with this new release policy. Good on you for cancelling.
Sad thing is, I almost always got my subscription after the stores got theirs.
I suppose I really do need to cancel my sub, since this means I'll get it a month late…
I have seen a lot of bloggers have cancelled there subscription and with service like that I don't blame them. It's also a shadow of what it once was.