Finished another piece of my Lumineth collection, and what better place to show it off then here at Tale of Painters.

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Hurakan Windmage

When I first saw this kit my number one issue was that I wanted to remove the pesky flight stand that GW continues to use. Especially after they put a tiny tree on the base. It seemed like a real kick in the face for what could have been an easy solution to the clear acrylic post. I was now determined to make my own.

Hurakan Windmage – Stone Highlight

First I molded a bit of milliput into a rock like mound. I then gathered a couple trees from an extra Shrine Luminor kit to see which one would work best. After deciding I dry fit the tree by pushing it into the still wet milliput so that it made an indent into the rock. This allowed the rock to mold the tree and vise versa. After the milliput was dry. I shaved down the rock with a hobby knife to give the faces of the stone sharper edges. Finally after drilling some holes into the top of the tree for pins, I put those old flight stands in a bin never to be seen again.

Hurakan Windmage – Side Profile
Box Art Pose

What do you think of this simple conversion? Do you like it more than the flight stands or would rather smash it on the floor. Let me know below with a comment, or give a reaction. There are no wrong answers.