Slightly different post today. Actually wanted to ask you guys about an army list…
Here is the list:
Tervigon – 195
Scything talons
Hive Tyrant – 270
Adrenal Glands
Acid Blood
Toxic Miasma
Venomthrope – 55
5 Tyranid Warriors – 225
5 pairs of boneswords
5 sets of scything talons
Adrenal glands
5 Tyranid Warriors – 200
5 sets of rending claws
5 pairs of death spitters
5 Tyranid Shrikes – 275
5 sets of lash whips and boneswords
Adrenal Glands
Carnifex – 185
Heavy venom cannon
Trygon Prime – 250
Adrenal Glands
Tyrannofex – 265
Cluster spines
Rupture Cannon
3 Raveners – 80
Rending Claws
Spine fists
Total 2000pt
I have a couple of ideas behind the list. Firstly, it uses up a lot of stuff in my bits box (as well as some warriors from Tyranid attack) secondly it allows me to purchase the new plastic Tyranid kits.
It’s quite synapse heavy and with all the big monsters and multi wound creatures it should be quite resilient and weather the enemy firepower for a few turns. Also with the variety of units the enemy will be hard pushed to get his target priority right. He’ll have to fire almost all his units at a single 6 wound monster to remove it in a single turn leaving the rest of the army to go unchecked.
It is lacking anti tank. I have a few guns and if I can stun the vehicles I might be able to chase them down. Skimmers will be hard to deal with.
I’m also scared of the Grey Knights with their all force weapon army.
What are your thoughts?
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Ghoulio, you are the MAN! That's exactly the kind of advice I was after. Thank you very much. I'm going to rewrite my list later today.
Here are a couple of things to consider:
1) The points for the 3 Raveners are way off. Bare bones (with no upgrades) they are 30pts each which would put their point cost to 90pts. I would also ONLY put rending claws on them as putting guns on them is a complete waste of time. Consider that their charge range is 12"….which is the same as their gun but when you fire their gun they can no longer fleet. Raveners ALWAYS should be either in combat, or trying to get into combat.
2) The options for your flying Tyrant. Both Toxic Miasma and Acid Blood are incredibly situational upgrades and barely work when everything goes your way. I would 100% remove them both which will help you free up 30pts for something else. I would either keep it bare bones to keep it cheap (so 230pts base) or give it devourers so it can threaten light vehicles/infantry
3) Why does the Tervigon have Onslaught? All the guns in your army fire 36"-48" which means you will be using catalyst almost 100% of the time. Freeing those up will allow you to take Toxin Sacs and maybe adrenal glands to help out point 4.
4) If you can try to get another Warrior squad in there or maybe a unit of Termagants to help bubble warp your army and allow you to make your Tervigon troops I would. Having a big unit of 20 Termagants will only cost you 100pts and give you a bunch of great benifits. Also only having two smallish units of warriors in 2000pts for troops will make it very hard to win games (although the HQ Tervigon does help a bit)
5)For all your CC Warriors make sure you give them all toxin sacs, especially the shrikes. Since you have lash whips on them they dont really need the Init boost so giving them toxin sacs will allow them to re-roll all wounds on T4 or lower and be able to easily effect any living thing in the game (so you will wound a wraithlord on a 4+).
I like the idea of all the larger monsters in there and this list has most of my fav units, which is great. I really like that you have tonnes of DIFFERENT Monsters too, instead of just 5 Tervigons and 3 Tyrannofexs (for a lame example lol). For me its just as important to have a cool visual army profile when you see it on the table as it is to be "competitive". I hope the list works out for you though and regardless of what others say the biggest thing is to just take what you enjoy playing with, especially with Nids 🙂