Welcome to the showcase of the model of Prince Yriel I finished recently. As you notice, I painted him to fit my Saim-Hann army. I think it’s quite unusual to see Yriel painted up this way, but he is my favourite Autarch model and I wanted him for my army. Maybe I’m going to use him as a generic Autarch (if I would play at all). More shots of this model after the jump.
I really like how the red armour interacts with the purple cloak and the turquoise gems and runes. What do you think? I’d love to read your comments!
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Thanks guys!
For now it's more Skaven from me, I still got another Farseer and some more Harlequins though, let's see when I get around them. I hope we'll see some new Eldar jetbikes soon, because Saim-Hann isn't Saim-Hann without jetbikes!
i love the fact that you don´t over do it. you keep it so nice and simple, works every time m8
Wauw, Just Wauw!
Normally I'd say red and purple don't match up well as they clash, but it works well enough here. You've certainly applied them with a deft hand and the blend transitions are very smooth.
Outstanding work. Its interesting to see how a simple colour scheme change can completely change a model. The Turquoise spot colour and Red and Purple work really well together. What's next for this army?