I painted this Mawloc when it first came out. It’s a pretty cool model to paint. My paint scheme has evolved slightly since this model was painted. I don’t do the striping/streaking on the carapace anymore, instead I just blend the colours (as seen on the hierophant) and then edge highlight it. I’ve gone off the striping, I don’t think it looks all that natural or organic. Couple more pictures after the jump.
I used slate and modelling clay on the base to show the creature upheaving the ground as it could around.
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Same Anonymous …
Thx for the short tutorial!
Btw: The link to the "Rusty Necron"-Tutorial is broken.
Hey Anonymous, I paint the claws using a layering method but plenty of glaze medium to the paint mixes to help blend the colours.
I use Vallejo game colour paints and these are the ones I used for the mawlocs claws.
Cobra Brown -> Filthy Brown -> Filthy Brown + Bone White -> Bone White -> Bone White + Dead White.
You can mix the colours and introduce more transitions, but I try to balance quality and speed. I don't want to spend 1 week painting claws for a model that is going to sit a 15,000pt army.
I like the model and your nice painting.
Especially the bone claws and body plates. Can you please short describe how you paint them?
Layer technic?
Thank you very much in advance.
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I love your Nids mate!
Very nice, as always. I won't lament the fact that you went off the streaky paint. It's a nice little trick to do if you won't spend the time with getting something else done on th carapace but it's not something you have to revert to. 😉
Very fine! The violet gives the miniature and extra kick. More depth. Reminds me on the old paining schema form the very first Carnifex.
It's interesting to see the evolution of your painting style, as you point out, you've retained a similar colour scheme but refined and improved it. It's a nice little time capsule that show's how your technique has improved over time. I hope I can say the same when I've painted as many mini's as you have!