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Those pesky Grey Knights. Being a chaos player, how they want to make me run to a separate room and yell sometimes at my local games club. But I love the models. These I painted for a friend in France. I used a lot of techniques from Forge Worlds model masterclass book. A great book by the way if you are thinking of a Christmas present for yourself. Most of the rust effect I used are explained in detail in this book. So I highly recommend it. The mahogany and white pattern was created by using a stencil made from masking tape using a scalpel. I also used vast amounts of Mig pigment for the tracks. Hope you like. What do you think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Love the way you've captured the right grim dark look for the Grey Knights. Exceptional
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain the technique for the eyes! 🙂
Wow. Those look way nicer than most i have seen. I think it might be the weathering. The blue OSL is nice too and not overpowering like on most GK i see. Great job!
Looking good! Your right about the books, they have loads of good advice! I like the stenciled pattern on the side. Am going to do something similar with my space Marine Chapter.