Those pesky Grey Knights. Being a chaos player, how they want to make me run to a separate room and yell sometimes at my local games club. But I love the models. These I painted for a friend in France. I used a lot of techniques from Forge Worlds model masterclass book. A great book by the way if you are thinking of a Christmas present for yourself. Most of the rust effect I used are explained in detail in this book. So I highly recommend it. The mahogany and white pattern was created by using a stencil made from masking tape using a scalpel. I also used vast amounts of Mig pigment for the tracks. Hope you like. What do you think?
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Love the way you've captured the right grim dark look for the Grey Knights. Exceptional
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain the technique for the eyes! 🙂
Wow. Those look way nicer than most i have seen. I think it might be the weathering. The blue OSL is nice too and not overpowering like on most GK i see. Great job!
Looking good! Your right about the books, they have loads of good advice! I like the stenciled pattern on the side. Am going to do something similar with my space Marine Chapter.