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Hey all and hope you are enjoying the new year. Today I’m showing a Great Unclean One.
I couldn’t help myself with the new Nurgle releases and had to pick one up. I really like what GW has done with the new Nurgle models and its so nice to finally have a large Great Unclean One compared to the old metal/Fine cast version. What do you think of the new GW Nurgle releases?
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I love it! I think that this is my favourite nurgle scheme ever. Can you tell me please how can i paint those reds like this??
Sorry about my rusty english… 🙂
I really like the skin and the tone, but there looks like there are couple of unfinished areas such as the chainmail on the rear and the pilling guts
That's pretty darn awesome. Reminds me of a frank frazetta painting!!!
Another nurgle. They get grosser and grosser every time. Good job
Nice work!
Why are the spots just sprayed black?
I agree.
Er, probably because that's the way he paints. I think he's done well on this one and your comment just sounds sour. The model looks awesome.
Wow, that is amazing and perfectly gross. Well done!!!
Excellent! How about a painting tutorial on the ThirdEyeNuke youtube channel? 😉