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Hey all, hot on the heels of the Imperial Fists that I showed yesterday I bring some Luna Wolves. The models are by Forge World and I used brass etching for the shoulder icon’s. I have worked many times before with the etching but usually large icons for vehicles. The smaller etching for shoulder details is actually really hard to work with. Unfortunately for me I did not get any photos as I was at the time photographing so many different models things all got a little in chaos. For painting I used a very similar scheme to the Forge World painting pdf. Give it a look as its pretty good. What do you think?
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Those look amazing! What PDF are you referring to (World Eaters one??)
I'd love to get even close to this level of awesome on my Wolves.
This one?
Hey, yes thats the one 🙂 its pretty good.
I just wish they would update it with some more legions.
These are the best example of white colour marines I've ever seen. I'm a huge, huge fan of your work.
If you don't mind me asking, did you use the FW world eater white painting guide on their site?
Hey Jagged, it was the one for the World Eaters. You do need tweezers for holding onto the sponge to get to some places that are fiddly, and a bit of brushwork for patching up the white. But generally it does work. Just fiddly very though.
Great tip! Did you use the sponge for the shading or the highlight?
I used both sponge and brush for highlights.
One day, when I get sick of trying to paint to your standard I'm going to give you a years worth of commission work. You're awesome, keep it up!
Amazingly these look almost identical to Rev's Tempestus Scions he posted recently. So cool. Great scheme.
Cheers Garfy, I was a big fan of Rev's Scions.