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Still feeling completely lost from recently moving house. I’m finding it very difficult to get any work done as most of our belongings are still in removal boxes. Hopefully normality will return soon. The last 12 months for me have been pretty full on with the death of my mother, selling her house, buying a flat in London and trying to finalize all the bits and pieces that need to be done. I decided to show some Plaguebearers that I painted back in 2012. Having recently shown the Plague Drones I feel they go hand in hand. And I’m a huge fan of anything Nurgle. I remember painting them all pretty quick, so please don’t be to critical as they are no Schnabel 🙂 But I liked them, wish I kept them really as I would have used them in game.
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Hey thanks all for the thumbs up 🙂
I am a big fan of these minis, Nuke. The fog effect you have around their feet is ingenious and something I cannot remember having ever seen. Very nice work there.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother, Nuke. The plaguebearers look great. The gradation from skin to horn as well as the contrasting intestines are very nice. I also like the black eyes. Here's to normality returning to your painting workspace sooner rather than later.
Nice PBs there! Exactly how they should look, and your style really shines through on them indeed! Great job!