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Hi all! Now here he is: my Imperial Knight for the Adeptus Ministorum. I am happy with how he turned out since I added two Geminae Superior and a Redemptor. Maybe I will add an Acolyth on the base as well but I am not sure yet. Anyways, I call this machine done. What do you think? Leave a comment as usually…
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Banzai1000 is a hobbyist from Germany with over 15 years of experience, and a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine. He is known for his masterful conversions and loves to come up with spectacular Armies on Parade entries every year. So far he scored five Armies on Parade gold medals, as well as three Golden Demon finalist pins.
The underslung meltagun on the giant meltsgun fits so well
Thx ?? the same came to my mind☺️
I love the Imperium's aesthetic of "Let's take an already huge war machine, and then build a cathedral on top of it!" It's like a Knight version of an Imperator Titan!