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Hey everyone! Silvernome here, getting back to my main army: Death Guard! If you’ve been following my Death Guard force at all, yep, I already had one Foetid drone. But to get ready for 9th edition, I wanted to increase my fast-attack slots. The Foetid has served me well in previous games but as we all know, if you only have one of a model, it’s doomed to die. So bring backup!

So I did just that! I found two Dark Imperium versions of the drone for cheap on ebay and picked them up. But I try to add variety to any similar models if I can so I also picked up two different face plates. I thought that the DI version of the kit would be similar to the multi-kit and the face plates would just fit perfectly. Sadly, they didn’t but after a little bit of plastic shaving and they worked!

The one thing about my daemon engines I haven’t been a fan of was my airbrushed red lens on their “eyes”. So I went through and gave them glossy black eyes (very buggy) and went back to my original drone and updated it as well. It was a bit tricky with the overspray but overall I think it works. You can see him with his two new brothers.

As with all my showcases, I’ve also taken a 4K video showcase look at these drones as well:

If you like this model and want to see more, you can check out my site or follow my gaming group’s Instagram. Or just leave a comment or reaction below!