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I don’t normally post WIP’s, preferring to post fully finished minis – HOWEVER – I’m feeling a bit left behind by Garfy’s excellent airbrushed spider, Sigur’s not one but TWO forgeworld pre-heresy rhinos and Stahly with his huge great rat mutant thing.
So here it is. It won’t happen often, but this is what’s on my desk currently and it is a beauty. A large, well cast kit (that’s well cast for forgeworld, it’s not perfect) which looks brutal. Airbrush coats are all layed down and she’s ready for weathering. I’ve even taken progress pictures (gasp!) so I can do a tutorial if it’s of any interest.
There is no more after the jump, please remain seated.
Whatβs your Reaction?
Looks great! I look forward to following your progress.
do it guys! a WIP caestus race.
sounds awesome.
most kudos to the man with the most WIP!
keep it up guys!
Looking very promising so far. π As a matter of fact, I'm currently working on one of those as well so it really gets tempting to post WIP pictures of mine. π
Excited about this one, when do you expect this will be finished? I have to say that the caestus along with the plastic Venerable kit are two of my all time faviroute Space Marine kits.
I love WiP because it really lets you see how people get to the final stage. With painters as talented as we get to see here that is even more exciting!!!
Yes please for the tutorial.
Loving the WIP shot just as much as your finished shots. More please!
Tutorial: yes, please.