The last 2 weeks I have been working on a small scale Lords of Decay army for a customer. Its been a lot of fun overall. I did make the foolish mistake at the very beginning in forgetting that I was painting Lords of Decay and started painting them as regular Death Guard. It was not all that fun as I had to quickly backtrack and start again. The lesson to be learnt was to read emails more carefully. That aside, it really made me want to work on my own Death Guard army that is still laying in a corner unmade and looking sadly at me. I’ve really got to stop purchasing models that I never paint. What do you guys think? Any of you purchase models and never find the time to paint them?
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All your minis look fantastic! I love your style of painting and get really inspired by your work!
I really would like to know how you painted this minis back in 2013 😉 Is it black undercoat? Then grey and white?
cheers from emil in sweden!
well worse, buying airplane models and never assembling them, let alone paint 🙁
Fantastic looking dread! I think most, if not all painter have a lead pile, some just larger than others. I would guess 95% of my minis are unpainted. I do a (relatively) good job of impulse buying, though. I would say I have a lead hill, not quite a mountain 🙂
Some of my unpainted model are so old that people have started to play again Warhammer 3rd edition…
Hahahahaha. I do that all of the time. I'm trying to discipline myself at the moment, as I revisit my marines, and begin my tau. I have to paint what I've bought before I buy more. It works, but sometimes I miss buying every new shiny thing!
I think its nice though having a bunch of models that need painting as your not going to get bored. New models are always a huge temptation though.
Ha! I know exactly what you mean. I'm looking at 4 shelves of stuff I've built but not painted, a huge box of goblins(a 3k army)and about the same of brettonians which are all still in boxes!
But they look so cool in the adverts I've got to have them! I reckon I could paint everyday for 10 years and still not finish lol.
The Dread looks v cool by the way, I've got one to paint just like it. 🙂
Its painful when you see stuff that you like and buy on impulse. I tend to have to hold myself back, but usually I crumble and also end up buying the stuff 🙂 Good though that one day when bored it gives one something to do 🙂