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Hopefully this will be the end of showing older work as I have now set up all my work tables etc. And can finally get back to work feeling confident that I know where everything is, rather than having to keep searching through removal boxes. This post I bring a Soul Grinder. This again was part of a commission that went with the Bloodletters etc that I showed in my last post. What do you think?
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Gorgeous paintwork, love that rich red, it would be cool to know how that was done. Only complaint is the rather glaring mould lines on the claws…
Why do you never tell us how you pain your models? It's always 'i completed this xxxx, tell me what you think'. I like this website for the background info given, never as just a model gallery.
As a commission painter, ThirdEyeNuke paints a lot of models in a short time. To be fair, he answers a lot of questions about his painting in the comments.
Hi Orange Apples, as pointed out I do ussually answer questions on paints used etc. But dont do tutorials due to a busy work schedule.
Nice Soul Grinder, and I especially like the red that you used for it! Nice work on it!