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It’s that time again folks, and this week I’ll be sharing my completed Ironskull’s Boyz with you all…

Firstly I will accept the shame bells toll after missing my first post (and will attempt to appease Stahly ;). Hopefully sharing some complete boyz with you all will help.

After repeatedly being stomped by Garfy’s Ladz I decided to finally get paint to plastic and bring some Orky goodness of my own to the table. I really love these sculpts and they were a nice distraction between other Ork based projects. What I didn’t enjoy was the colours I chose, both Garfy and Spaceshrimp can once again attest to the fact I hate painting white and yellow. I did, however, paint them yellow… because I never learn.

I think by the end of this I had applied so many coats of yellow and so many touch-ups that I started to lose my love for them. I couldn’t achieve the look that I wanted and as always the more you look at your painting the worse it will seem. Taking a step back helped and achieving what I’d class as tabletop standard. As I keep saying, as long as we learn something nothing is ever a waste of time or pointless, and I certainly learned something painting these brutes. Avoid yellow.

Can’t wait to see what you all bring to the table.

Make sure to check back next Tuesday to see Stahly’s completed warband. Don’t forget if you want to paint along with us, use the following hashtags on social media platforms – (twitter, Instagram or facebook).

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

We’ll round up all your posts and share them at the end of each month. From all of your warbands that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite warband to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher for an Underworld warband box of your choice so you can start painting another warband right away.