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I bought this from for £74. It looks like I’ve become a door to door salesman selling vacuum cleaners! The kit includes a booth which folds down to a suitcase with the dimensions 42cm x 15cm x 24cm and an extractor  hose comprising of 5 parts. A mounting bit, a rubber join with a giant metal jubilee ring, a hose which can compress and extend up to 150cm and hold it’s shape it’s been bent into and a flat shaped end unit which could be good if you don’t want a window open very much.

Please note Action Man not included. He does recommend you read on though…

It’s really simple to assemble, which is great because the instructions aren’t very good…

The unit is very simple to unfold and set up and once set up the unit is 48cm x 42cm x 36cm, however with the hose attached to the rear it stick out quite a bit making the depth of the unit more like 80cm. This was an issue for me because it mean’t it wouldn’t fit on my desk where I wanted to permanently set it up, so the websites dimensions are misleading.

Now the cool thing with this booth is combine two machines together without needing any specialist tools, they just clip together. So if you’re planning on buying a Forgeworld Tau Manta, you may need to buy two of these booths to airbrush it. The booths sides and ceiling are translucent which means it lets in a lot of light making it easy to see your subject that you are spraying. The power cable is retractable at a push of a button. The on/off switch is lit with a red light when on, so you don’t forget it’s turned on… which is a kinda dumb because you can hear that’s its still on.

The motor is quiet. The manufacturers claim 47 decibels. I didn’t do any heavy spraying so I can’t tell you if it’s up to the job of spraying a Thunderhawk gunship, but my friend Nick has this set and he’s the airbrush king and has had no problems. I could feel the air being sucked through the filter and you can certainly feel the air exiting the the extractor hose.

You also get a small turntable which can be housed inside the unit when it’s folded down. It’s a really useful addition.

After a while I can imagine the unit getting covered in paint and looking grubby. Nick recommended lining it with newspaper to keep it nice, but it kind defeats the purpose of the translucent sides, so I would recommend clingfilm, which would do a great job of protecting the kit and you wouldn’t need to to use adhesives to secure it.

Final thoughts… well it’s not as small as I thought, and the hose sticking out if the back makes it really awkward to have permanently set up, however it folds down to a tidy little size so it’s not the end of the world. The price is reasonable but it is a fan in a box with a hose at the end of the day. The exciting bit comes from being able airbrush indoors in my man cave. This should make work on the Thunderhawk a lot easier.

Now some of you will be saying just use a cardboard box with a side removed, and you can do that, I did for years, but you do end up with a lot of airborne paint particles, after a particularly long airbrush session in the dining room, my wife wasn’t happy to discover Ultramarine Blue dust on the table. This kit will eliminate that happening. The manufacturers of this product still recommend you wear a respirator or dust mask when airbrushing even when using this extractor booth.

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Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay