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Along with the Tyranids I previously posted I was painting Space Wolves. It almost scary thinking how time flies and how many new releases have come out since. I’ve always been a big Space Wolves fan, however these guys along with some Thunder Wolfs are the only time I have ever painted them. Which is a shame as I remember that I enjoyed painting them. I find it strange also looking back at how much my paintings changed. What do you guys think?
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These are freakin awesome. How on earth do you find the time to paint this much? A little bit jealous I must say.
What a shame you did not cared about eyes at all.
I always paint the eyes black. Its not that I dont care, I just tend to like models with black eyes as opposed to pupil and dot etc. But could give it a try sometime to see how it turns out.
Jeez! These are sweet! Inspiring even! Thanks for making me feel like I need to step up my game! LOL.
I think they are freakin badass. I was just sitting here thinking "when TEN adds another color or two to his signature palette, the results are gorgeous!" 🙂 Any recollection how you achieved that grey-blue? It's like the perfect shade for SW imo.
Hey thanks. I painted these ones a long time ago. Glad you like 🙂
Let me have a look over paints tonight and I'll see if I can remember. I should do and I'll reply later.
Cool 🙂
Dude, I had a look, the best I could pull up is Vallejo color field blue and azul pastel. Im not even sure if that is correct,but from in front of me they are the only colors that scream Wolves. Hope that helps.
Thanks for checking, that helps 🙂