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This project is starting to drag now. I think it might be because I’m distracted with the new mountain bike I just built. However, some progress has been made. I’ve been painting the bone talons and spikes.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
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There's always that point ina project where you become bored with the whole affair and risk getting distracted by something else. That's my main problem… so please don't fall into my trap! This is looking awesome and I'd like to see more!!!
Nice dude, that's a good looking rig.
We have a tonne of singletrack where I live and I ride most weekends and race some enduro events, there's gnarlier stuff to ride but I can do most of the jump and balance lines/shore stuff on this:
If it turns from all-mountain to white knuckle spec I borrow a bike from the shop I work at, last week it was a Cannondale Jekyll which was a bit of a ripper!
Looking forward to WIP #10.
Yes this is my second one. In the first WIP blog entry you can see them standing side by side…
Didn't you already have one of these?!
That's nice of you to say Redscorps. I'll persevere today and see how far I can get.
The MTB was a Curtis Super x, which I kinda stopped thrashing about and jumping and turned it into a bit of an all rounder, which didn't suit the 13" frame (I'm 5ft 11") so I bought a new frame, seat post, bb, headset, stem, bar. The frame I bought is a Cove Handjob (no laughing). I've been out on it twice and I love the feel of it. It doesn't feel twitchy, feels lighter and sprints better and it climbs hills really nicely.
Here's a pic of my new baby
It is looking quite spectacular though so we'd like to see it finished (I have clicked on all the WIP's so far eagerly).
Whats the story with the MTB? What did you build up dude?