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Here’s the first model of a batch of Chaos Space Marines I was called to do on a hurry for a big apocalypse event.
This model is slightly converted (weapon swap). Still, it was only the first time I painted the Hellbrute model from the new 40k starter box and I have to echo many of the voices who say that the ‘Eavy Metal paintjob didn’t do the model many favours.
I ended up really liking this model. You get to do lots of armour, some slightly organic looking armour plates, a lot of skin and flesh and so on. Very varied model with lots of interesting surfaces.
So, I hope you like what I made of the model and stay tuned for bigger and nastier Khorne war machines soon!
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
The conversion looks great, but I would have used the Forgefiends ectoplasma cannon head instead of one of the arms since it's fairly shorter and results in the arm size remaining about the same as before.
I like the plasma cannon conversion. I'd probably trim it down a touch, it looks a bit too long and unbalanced. In fact I might make my own version for my black legion 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks, guys! Oh yes, especially a plasmacannon with a maw and huge teeth in the front. 😀
Damn fine conversion there. Nothing screams Khorne like the overkill of a huge plasma cannon 😉
Looks great, looking forward to more Khorne war machines…
Hey, it's CMDante! Hullo, thanks for dropping by and commenting! Didn't do the conversion myself, I'm just the painting monkey, but I certainly will pass on the praise.
Personally, I like the weapon swap as well. I think that it makes the model look more balanced in the way of armour-flesh-ratio.
The weapon swap really makes the gun look a million times better – great job.