Hi there, today I want to talk about my proposed paint scheme for my upcoming Dark Eldar army, and which kabal they are going to belong to. Above you can see my test model. There will be some slight alterations for the final “production” run though. For example, the flayed skin will be painted with less contrast between the dark and the light areas, as I feel it draws the attention away from the rest of the model. Also the bronze areas will become slightly brighter. And no, the head crest won’t be blue, that was just to try out blue as a spot colour, as I’m using this colour for painting hair.
People who have a deeper knowledge of the Dark Eldar fluff will recognize that the paint scheme above is my interpretation of the Kabal of the Last Hatred. Their background was “fleshed” out in White Dwarf. They’ve got a strong connection to their Haemonculi covens, as they seek to overcome mortality.
To translate this to the tabletop, I will place an emphasis on the kabalite and coven parts of the Dark Eldar book. There will be Kabalite Warriors, Trueborns and Incubi, as well as Haemonculi, Wracks, Scourges and Pain Engines. There will also be a single squad of Wyches because they came with the megaforce and their sprue offers a nice variety of bits so it would be a shame not to keep a couple of them. I will do without Reavers, Beastmasters or Hellions for the near future. I’m gonna add a Razorwing, even though it’s technically operated by a Reaver pilot.
It was quite a ride before I settled on the Last Hatred paint scheme. I’m a big fan of the paint scheme of the studio army, which is supposed to portray Asdrubael Vect’s Kabal of the Black Heart. You know, the dark jade green armour with bronze and purple as spot colours. Originally I thought of doing a slightly tweaked version of it, but then I wanted something more unique. After I’ve seen Sorrowshard’s stunningly beautiful Dark Eldar host I planned for a black and more muted scheme. I like to do something different with each army I collect and I don’t have a black army yet. A couple months ago I painted this test scheme. It’s mainly black with a slight metallic sheen, paint chipping and jade green in various hues as a spot colour.
It was only very recently when I realized I had to think over. Looking at my completed Skaven army, I learnt that muted and more realistic paint schemes are not my cup of tea. I feel more satisfied when pulling off bold colours and contrasts, something I feel I achieved with my recently painted Necromunda gang. So I had a look around and found new inspiration in both Minijunkie’s Dark Eldar models as well as Eye of Error’s Kabal of Endless Twilight. Eye of Error’s Dark Eldar are full of creative conversions (you have to watch his Archon on Black Dragon) and they are dark yet colourful thanks to the clever use of spot colours. Minijunkie’s models finally helped me set to a purple armour/blue hair scheme. Then I dug out my old WDs, found out that this scheme was linked to the kabal of the Last Hatred, enjoyed their fluff and was ready to go.
When you look at the ‘Eavy Metal painted Warrior, you see I’ve slightly tweaked the paint scheme. I did away with yellow as a contrasting colour, instead there will be spots of jade green for the eyes and drug dispensers. For the weapons (and ornaments) I chose a bronze colour, as I felt the black weapon of the ‘Eavy Metal warrior blends too much into the purple armour. So my rendition is a slightly different take on the classic Dark Elf jade green/purple/bronze scheme after all. To retain my sanity I won’t add such elaborate freehands as on the ‘Eavy Metal Warrior, though blue will appear as the hair colour and on cloaks and the like.
What do you think of my paint scheme? Some constructive criticism? Tell me before it’s too late 😉
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First allow me to say that I really like your colour scheme. Traditional, yet flavoured by individuality. 🙂
Second would you be so kind as to give me a hint where I can find the template fot making colour schemes? I mean the wireframe picture which I can colour mysef to test the scheme? Thanks in advance.
Great stuff. How did you paint the base? The highlights have nice contrast that I can't seem to get.
Hi, check out this tutorial: http://taleofpainters.blogspot.de/2010/04/eldar-tutorial.html For the "production run" I'm gonna change the colours slightly though.
This is looking pretty darn cool. That's very nicely done. Cool stuff
Dark Eldar are so hard to find good color schemes that are unique and original and still look good. This one is pretty good and I think the more you do it, you'll tweak it some. I would say…try a couple more test models before you commit. You might learn something new that makes the whole thing pop.
This color scheme can work and looks good, but it isn't exceptional. The technique is certainly good though, so not saying you're a bad painter or anything, in fact, quite the opposite. If I were you, I'd try to translate something of the Escher scheme posted here onto Dark Eldar models…now that would be sweet, IMO.
Have you also noticed that there is a general scarcity of nicely painted Dark Eldar armies showcased on the web? Let's change that!
Thanks for your feedback. I want to do something new for every army, colours or techniques I haven't used before, so it's naturally that this paint scheme will be different from my Eschers. I've tinkered for quite some time with various paint schemes and techniques, this is what I've came up with. There will be some tweaks for the "production" run, though, so stay tuned.
Cool. I hope to get started on my DE soon. I would love to share with you guys. I'm probably using black, red, gold and white…a classic warhammer scheme, but it works very well.
Looks awesome Stahly. Keep the freehand in mind mainly for breaking up vehicles the more geometric forms would be a bit more unique compared to the usual free form runes we see.
I thought about sponge weathering to break up vehicles, though I'm not sure how well it will look on a very dark colour. Need to do a couple of experiments once I'm getting to paint Raiders and Venoms.
Hmmm if you go to light it might end up being cartoony or hyper real for sponge chipping – tricky! Look forward to more you're Eldar are gorgeous I have no reason to expect anything less!
Looks great, and really like the color scheme. I'm hoping to be able to pull some highlights like that on mine — the detailed, thorny armor was made for it.
Stunning! it will look really great if you field an entire army like that. I must say though that I'm not a fan of blue hair.
I like the ones with pure white hair better. Looks more realistic and still alien.
Keep it up.
Thanks Seb, I thought about white hair with a slight blueish/tealish hint, too. There is an Archon with lilac armour and such a hair shade in the codex, I'm gonna give it another try.