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I’ve painted the first corner piece. It took a whole week to paint a quarter of it’s exterior shell. This is soul destroying… I can’t spend another 3 weeks painting this model. However, I am really happy with how it’s turned out. More pictures after the jump.
I’ve pain-stakingly hand painted every blended line on this model so far with many more left to do. Is it worth it, I’m not so sure.
I’m going to carry on and try not to touch any other models until this one is finished. I’d really appreciate some feedback, support or critique in the comments. Hell, just say hi to let me know you’re following this project and it’s all worth while would be amazing.
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Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Don't give up on this, it looks a really great scheme. Will look amazing when its done. I know how you feel with the edge high lighting and blending I have painted many a Necron model and it is soul destroying lol so I know what your going through, I usually come back to stuff like this after a break for a week or so.
Its looking darn cool, its a huge model when you see it in the photo knowing the scale of the figure. Good stuff.
Seriously great stuff… I painted a Trollblood Mountain King and feel your pain. Totally worth it in the end once you've spent the time…
It looks awesome, keep going Garfy, You can do it!
Amazing work! We all know that feeling of dread, work through it and the results will certainly pay off! It is wonderful to see your army progress through Tale of Painters! Keep up the good work!
It looks amazing, keep up the inspiring work! 🙂
I look forward to every update with this project. It's such a great model and you are truly doing it justice.
It may be boring to paint but its amazing to see it come to life. Keep on truckin. I started watching your projects during the Hobbit phase and have been coming back for more. Get it done Garfy!!!
Looks great, hang in there 🙂
Looks like you have a meth habit. That's a compliment. I think.
It looks amazing! I know how it is, I decided to highight each feather seperately on the Empire Grifon. Just think about how amazing it will look once finished!
Love the scheme – it looks fantastic. Yes this one took a long time, but the next one might go slightly faster, and then you're (over) half way done.
The model looks great. It will make a really cool centerpiece for your army. Keep up the good work
This looks just amazing! Don't give up 🙂
pick up a Necrons novel from Black library. That's what keeps me motivated. Reading about the thing that I'm painting always helps. Dude, this thing looks incredible. You see so many people cutting corners or rushing a project this big but when someone spends the time. Well you end up holding a big ass sword in a smelly convention center lol.
That looks amazing, can't wait to see it finished!
I know what it's like to make that realisation that if painting X takes 1 weeks work and I've got 4X to do I've 4 weeks work to 'look forward to'. My Tyranid Bastion had 20 Chitin Plates to paint one set of highlights and the first one took my 30 minutes! Luckily that was the biggest one, but even so after the first set had been done I realised the second set required much finer control and would take longer still. I feel your pain, you're doing an amazing job.
My only advice is in two parts. Number 1, perhaps consider not focussing 100% on the Vault. Difficult I know but if you can find a way to paint something else in between it may relieve the face-eating tedium. So, my best advice number2 [for someone who doesn't really need it] is what I did and break each bit up into more manageable chunks. I painted for no longer than 90 minutes at a time. Often I did 30 minutes in the morning then another half hour later on in the day and maybe 45 minutes to an hour in the evening. That way I hadn't quite reached that black pit of despair before I had finished my chunk and could pack up for the morning/afternoon and could look at my progress with satisfaction.
The whole thing looks ace, the internal metal is particularly impressive.
Im not a fan of the jaunty flying stand though, I think a clear acrylic pole would looks LOTS better, just my 2¢ 🙂
Yeah, have to agree with others here.. it is coming along beautifully. Painstakingly difficult to do, probably, but very much worth it! Please continue, and finish this.. and then bask in the glory of seeing it up on the GW site soon thereafter 😉 You know that will happen.. again.. 🙂
This is incredible work! Keep going! Don't give up! That thing is going to look awesome on the table when complete!
Looks great man! How was the metallic internal part? Very tough?
It's incredibly easy. It's leadbelcher then agrax earthshade, then modelmates rust paint (have a review on this site) then sponge on runefang steel.
Wow I couldn't imagine it would be so easy! A couple of questions:
How many different colors do you use in the red lines in edges and necron anagrams? Maybe three?
How you do to keep the anagrams arround the glowing sphere dark/black? Washes?
Thanks for your answer, I'm a big fan of your work with Necrons!
Best Tesseract Vault I have seen and it's not even finished yet……don't give up 🙂
looks bloody amazing!!!
It looks great! Keep up the good work!
Hi 😀
Hi, thanks for watching 😀