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Tale of Painters might have to be renamed Tale of Power Armour. I love space marines so it’s been really cool seeing ThirdEyeNuke and Sigur paint the new marine releases and I enjoyed seeing Stahly complete his Ultramarine bike unit. However, I feel bad for the fans of Warhammer so I’ve burrowed into my archive and caught Warlord Queek in my rat trap. Another angle after the jump.
I painted this model when he first came out. Which must be two to three years ago now. He’s such a striking model with lots of movement and an aggressive pose. I like the paint job but I think I could do a much better job now.
Are you guys missing Warhammer Fantasy and The Hobbit? Or are you enjoying all the Space Marine posts?
What’s your Reaction?
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Sure, here is Stahly's guide.
Skaven Painting Tutorial? 😉
Hey guys,
I would love to see some DE or HE painted up models or even tutorials as well from the new range of course. I am a big fans of the pointy ears and own both armies. I havent bought any new DE models as I am waiting for the second wave to be released.
Other than that keep up the good work.
Elvis C
Melb Aus
We're just hobbyists like you and me, so what we paint is driven by what models appeal to us the most. I for one would love to pick up some the cool new Dark Elf models as I love everything pointy eared, but they are so expensive and you need to paint so many models for a decent sized Fantasy army…
You are completely correct Stahly you need a lot of $ to complete a decent sized army for WHFB. Not only money but time to paint up ranks upon ranks of infantry. I mean you would know all about is as you have a Skaven army.
How long did it take you to complete it and what was the final $ amount for the army?
If you compare that to any of your other W40K armies of similar point value what is the difference?
Elvis C
Melb Aus
More FB would be great, and more non-power armour would be great too. The painting is unquestionably top tier, but the models don't change.
I would love to see more FB on tale of painters. if you are an all things GW blog why would you not include FB?
I am also of the opinion of paint and blog about what you like. Who cares what people want to see. You five keep on painting what makes you happy. I love seeing beautifully painted miniatures. I could care less whether it was FB or 40k.
If you only do what others want to see it could burn you out. Keep up the passion for what you love!
You five are wonderful painters and i give you props for such a wonderful job you do painting and running this blog.
Keep on keepin on!
Hear hear!
Nice model and great paint job good work! Space marines are good they are the most popular after all.
After lurking in the shadows and quietly enjoying your blog, i have to say that although i love your space marines, some fantasy and hobbit models would be a really nice addition.
I mainly play 40k because there are no fantasy players in my area, but i really like the big HQ models.
What givesyou more of a "wow" effect than a fully painted Karl Franz on his eagle ?
Would love to see some of the new Dark Elves models.
I love all your guys' stuff, so marines don't particularly get my goat, but I have to say I did add you to my reader for the warhammer FB 😉
That's a pretty sexy looking Skaven I must say 🙂
Nicely done!
If you stick with Games Workshop, you might as well stick with Space Marines. They are (!) their most iconic line after all.
If you want diversity, try something non-GW for a change? Malifaux, Privateer? Kingdom Death? Some 54mm or some busts perhaps?
It's a nice Skaven, but putting up a GW fantasy figure under a grandiose pitch for diversity somehow feels even more limited than posting only Space Marines without comment.
I don't understand your question. We're a GW blog, we post all things GW. The past few weeks it's been kinda space marine heavy (not complaining, you only have to check WD to see how much I love space marines), but I thought their might have been a section of our audience who was missing Warhammer Fantasy of the Hobbit from the blog. We didn't have anything lined up for today so I thought I'd post some variety.
I think you've taken my post out of context, either that or I'm missing your point entirely.
Definitely prefer space marines to any other GW product. The fluff is too awesome and the models are way cooler.
Can you remember what colours you used to paint the bones on his back? I'm really struggling to find a scheme I like for bone.