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It’s been awhile since I have posted any real recent models that I have
painted. This was due to having to finish two huge Chaos Daemon armies
as commissions. One was fantasy and the other 40K. The Slaanesh
SoulGrinder above was from the 40K one, which I was particularly happy
with as I had only ever painted one SoulGrinder before which was Khorne.
In the next couple of posts I’m going to show a few other Daemon models
that I liked. But after finishing these two armies I’m moving onto some
smaller commissions which should be a bit of a change of pace and more
varied. I heard a rumour that Tyranids are around the corner as a
release. Whether or not this is true is anyone’s guess!!! (But it would
be cool) What do you guys think?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Having seen the teaser on GWs blog today it would seem like the Tyranids won't be a December release. Fingers crossed they're soon.
Loving the soul grinder mate. Looks utterly brutal.
Hey cheers Garfy 🙂 I'm guessing January for them to appear. Looking forward to a new codex.
And a new ToP tutorial on painting them?? I loved Garfy's tutorial on painting tyranids with the new paints a while back – I was new to the hobby then and it became the default recipe for me as I tried to improve my painting skills to get close to that standard – but now would like to see something with the new codex models on a more 'realistic' style with perhaps more muted colours. Absolutely love the soul grinder btw. Could you please share how you did the metalwork? I'd love to get that kind of appearance on some augmetic limbs I've got to do.
I like it 🙂
Though I would have added some more violett to the metal parts, but nevertheless, looks great