Time to showcase some of my slowly growing Seraphon Army! This time we are taking a look at models with a face only a mother (and me) could love; the Kroxigors!

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I have been slowly working on a Seraphon army since I started painting. Dinos riding dinos is always a win, but since the Lumineth came out play time with the fantastic jurassic lizard men as been non existent. So when a play group of mine decided that we would start a warcry campaign I saw a chance to not only give them a break from sentinels but also get the lizards off the shelf. One thing was missing though.

While I mulled over Warcry cards trying to build a Warband for the Seraphon. I got the sense that there was no tank. No little skink is gonna hold an objective for me while my friend’s Orrucks smash everything in sight. That was when the Kroxigor stepped up. Having a total of 32 wounds make sure they are going to hang for a couple rounds while your skinks shoot everyone off the board from the safety of 12 inches away. His toughness of 4 can be a little weak, but he also is decently fast for big brute.

I have built a couple of older seraphon sculpts, but after dealing with the horrors of finecast resin. I made a promise to myself. If the price is right, and it is possible to do so; buy metal. Dealing with metal flash, pinning and green stuff gap filling still sounds better than having to re-scuplt an entire model. I was able to snipe a pretty good eBay deal on a group of 4 giving me some options for AOS as well. How do they fair in the new addition? As of the writing of this article I dont have much experience with them but I am sure they will still fine a place in my heart. In all fairness though they are still better looking than a certain fire breathing amphibian.

Let me know what you think of the these monstrosities below with a reaction, or lets place bets on when we will get new sculpts in the comments!