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I’ve recently discovered a new Games Workshop in Barnet, North London. It’s only up the road from where I work. It’s run by a really cool Manager called Cat. I’ve found myself being increasingly distracted at home, so I’ve decided to try and increase my productivity by painting in store. I really enjoy painting in store, it’s a great atmosphere and everyone is really friendly and I’ve already learnt a few new tricks from others. So if you want to see myself actually painting these Centurions or you want to pick my brains, or maybe you have some tips you want to share with me to improve my painting you can find me in Games Workshop Barnet most Wednesday evenings and Sundays. If you want to paint (or game), make sure you phone in advance and book to avoid disappointment.

Check out and like the Games Workshop Barnet Facebook page and tell them Garfy sent you.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay