Today my friends is a rare treat! I’ve finished painting an entire boxed game! More pics after the jump.
Blood Angel Death Company Dreadnought
Tyranid Broodlord Spawn of Cryptus
It’s completing projects like this that really makes it all worth while. I’ve painted the models to the best of my ability. Taken my time and really lavished some time and attention on them. Feels great to add these models to my collections.
I also had a blast taken some cool photos along the way. Here are a few of my favourites.
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This blog and your network is just a sign of why GW has yet to enter the internet age. What's the point of me buying White Dwarf or Visions when I get quality tutorials, photos and pictures of amazing models anytime I want. The best part is I can interact and talk to you guys and ask you questions! The Tale of Painters blog roll is one of my fave hobby resources and the stuff you get to see from all over the world with people of all levels of ability is ace.
Thanks for this blog it got me through painting ruts!
Amazing paintwork. Love the toon-style Terminators.
great work with the lighting gels, garf!
I need to buy some lighting gels. These were lit with my iPad. I just search for a colour on google image and open a picture of that solid colour and whack the screen brightness up. I thought it was quite clever. I use my iPhone as a smaller spot colour as well 😀
You can get some great coloured LED lighting kits now, which allow you to program your lighting temperature levels quite accurately usually they come in bi-colour kits it's still pretty versatile. I've also seen some cool little setups with LED strips with a RGB controller. But it all costs a bit.
Awesome to see the finished box set. Certainly inspiring me to get into gear when I get back off holiday.
How would I post on this great blog?
Great work and excellent photos, luv to see some of my stuff photographed like that!
The last atmospheric pics are stunning! Very dramatic!
The way you said "I painted them to the best of my ability" made it sound as if you were apologizing for their quality. LOL!!! These are simply outstanding! Enjoy playing with them.
Love seeing finished boxed sets. And some amazing photos. Nice work Garfy!
Neat! Since it's sold out in Austria I ordered the english version of Deathstorm which is still available online. The TOP Tutorials will come in handy. Thx for all your effort.
You're secretly applying for a job as a studio photographer, aren't you 😉
They honestly couldn't afford me.
That last picture is incredible
Thanks John.