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I finished painting the Dark Eldar Tantalus a few days ago and it was a blast to work on. As you can see in the photo the model is pretty large and I had a hard time fitting it into my regular lightbox. So much so I am going to try and photograph it again and when done I will put the photos below. So hopefully you can see it without the paper back drop etc. The model itself was a real tough one to put together. Most of the parts needed bending. Its still not perfect, but its the best I could do. The design on the sail was made by creating a stencil from masking tape, which I think turned out quite well. What do you think? Anyone else had a go with the model?
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What colors did you use for this?
Looks great, except the front arc was put on backwards…lol. Love the paint job on it though.
Hopefully 🙂
Lol I guess you need a bigger flying base mate 😉
The base that was provided by FW is a bit of a joke considering the weight of the model. I think I'm going to have to switch it over to a regular flying base as its not going to hold. Its already come of twice now 🙂
Heh on the FW website their painted model has a modified base so whom ever worked on that one too realised the short comings of such a small base and spindly attachment.
Yep, the base does sucks major ba*ls 🙂 I can see that FW used a bar fixed to a flying base in a rock. I'm basically going to do the same as its the only way really to hold the model in place. The small base provided is zero working 🙂 To be honest I dont even know why I did it this way, as it was obvious the model would collapse..I'll get some photos with the new base!!
This actually makes dark eldar look good! Was never attracted to their models until seeing this.
Do you have anymore painted up like this? In my opinion this is how Dark Eldar should look!
I dont have any more. Guess it would be cool to do though, if I ever have time 🙂
It's cool, but it looks like your airbrush had a clump of paint on the needle. That's what produced the spotty effect…or was that intentional?
Hey cheers Tim.Its basically from a chipped airbrush needle that I use quite often, it makes a speckled dust effect.
Cool, yeah the effect looks good. One thing I appreciate is the overall effect. Creepy.
Hey thanks 🙂
Wow you and dark eldar vehicles are a perfect fit. This looks so mean I much prefer this weathered style of DE ships to the smooth bright+black colour schemes everyone loves to do for deldar.