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I picked up these Forge World Emperor’s Children Kakophoni last year at London Comic Con. My original idea was to use them as a side unit in a mainly Death Guard army I was building up. But at the last moment I decided to ditch the idea, and keep all the models I have with a Nurgle theme. The models for the Kakophoni’s are quite nice in my opinion. Obviously I think a lot of people will probably end up using them as Noise Marines, and rightly so as I think the models are nicer than the GW ones. What do you guys think?
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Just noticed that these guys are models of the day over on Forge World's Facebook page 🙂
Well deserved. Top work.
Yep they are quite sexy and gorgeous models:) I should have more FW Emperor's Children up in the next few weeks 🙂
That is some sexy looking Emperor's Children!!
OSL seems sloppy. Looks like you just airbrushed a whole spot, instead of paying attention to where light would actually be resulting from the glow.
To his defense I don't think he intended that as OSL, I think he's still working on these.
Nuke, you gonna finish that part?
Good job adding some color to your models. You seemed pretty set in your usual set of three colors (black, off-white and sepia). Good to see you stepping out of your comfort zone some.
No, these look finished to me. You have to keep in mind that TEN's style is more on the 'artistic' side of the spectrum. He doesn't aim for perfect realism but for a distinctive look.
Hey thanks 🙂 The models for these are really nice from FW. I would definitely recommend them.
Whilst I have never been interested in CSM, I have to say the Emperor's Children minis are absolutely phenomenal
Excellent use of OSL. The models are gorgeous too. Love it!
They look very cool! How was the OSL done?
Briljant, your painting style is very recognizable and it works almost everytime!
Great looking models 😛