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Today on the blog I’m pleased to debut my first video review. After the jump you’ll be able to watch the full video and see some photographs of the unboxing of Smaug. 

In this three minute video I unbox the £295 monster that is Smaug. It’s an absolutely epic model, so please enjoy the video, subscribe, share and like it.  

The box art is gorgeous. I think it’s one of my favourite boxes from Games Workshop in ages. Smug looks magnificent on it. 

I thought I’d post some extreme close ups (party on Garf) because whilst the video is filmed in full 1080p HD these photographs show the wrinkles, scales, damage, scars and coins in fascinating detail. 

The included Bilbo model is another brilliant addition to this set. He’s so tiny yet perfectly sculpted. 

This resin kit is impressive. The price point is actually pretty good when compared to some of the bigger Forge World models I own (£400 for aThunderhawk Gunship, £250 for a Harridan) Smaug isn’t bad for £295. The sculpt is astounding. Every single scale, scratch and spike is there in meticulous detail. The parts have huge pegs to join the kit together cutting down on the need for pinning (I will probably still pin most of mine). Another great touch is the box and instructions. Something that is usually missing from Forge World models. I’d love to see Forgeworld models get this kind of treatment.

I’m so happy with my Smaug, I’d recommend it to anyone. Even if you don’t collect Hobbit Citadel Miniatures, you’ll be hard pressed finding a more impressive sculpt then this. 

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Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay