Hey all, Hope you had a great Easter and lots of fun:). Today I bring the Valkyrie that I painted a few weeks ago. This model had sat in a huge pile of unpainted models for almost 2 years and finally I decided to paint it with the new codex arrival. Must say along with Vendetta it was a ton of fun to paint as I learned a few new tricks from WW2 model painting rather than the regular 40K stuff that I would look at. WW2 painting techniques have become my new thing and hope to incorporate a lot of them in my coming work. On top of that I had my sister in law over for the weekend who painted her first ever model for fun,a Leman Russ Demolisher. And it actually came out looking pretty darn cool. What do you guys think? What did you get up to over Easter?
My sis’ leman russ demolisher
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They all look great!
One of the guys in our 40K gaming group is an Imperial Guard player and he's fond of bringing 3 of these armed wth that 3 Twin-Linked Lascannons configuration (is that the Vendetta?)… brutal… As I understand with the new codex, they've been somewhat nerfed because they are more expensive to bring now and can hold only 6 troops.
As much as I hate to see them come on the board, it's cool to see them painted up nicely like this!
Just updated the post with Leman Russ Demolisher photo : )
Your sister-in-law is very very talented if that's her first model. Amazing!
I would love to see the Leman Russ.
I will ask for some photos and put it at the bottom of the post hopefully in the next few days.
That Valk sure is nice.
That Valkyrie is friggin awesome!
I love the look of this, and if I had the available funds, I would probably be starting an Astra Militarum or Astra Tempestus army myself.
But where is the Leman Russ?
Lol, we never had a chance to photograph the Leman Russ. Maybe I'll ask her to get some to me so that I can show it :).
The Astra Militarum do have a lot of nice models.
That's a pretty good paint job for a first timer. If you had anything to do with guiding her along, you did a good job as a teacher as well.
I did give a fair bit of help, but she did do pretty good for a first time.