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Here he is, another model from the Space Marine Heroes range finished, Brother Aethor. Or Brother Frostclaw, as he is called in the Space Marine Adventures boxed game for which I painted this model.  More pictures after the jump.

The model for Brother Aethor/Frostclaw lacks any Space Wolf specific details. I decided to paint him as a Blood Claw. Not only does it suit his aggressive pose, I imagine he is still a rather fresh whelpling, so his power armour might be fresh from the shelf. I’d have preferred if the creators of the Space Marine Adventures game would have chose to make him a White Scar, because he looks so vanilla, but here we are.

Actually, he wasn’t that easy to paint, because yellow and light blue-grey have rather weak pigments, which means lots of layers needed for an even result. I could have gone with a darker shade of blue-grey or a muted Averland Sunset yellow, but I decided to go the extra mile for a bright 2nd Edition inspired paint scheme.

I’m really happy with the head though, probably one of my best faces ever. I kept the highlights and shading subtle and added a stubble effect. Actually, I wanted to freehand a Viking style pattern/tribal tattoo to the side of his head but failed miserably after several tries. I’ll design and print a decal to add it later.

I promised there’ll be another tutorial for my Space Wolves armour recipe, so stay tuned for the tutorial tomorrow!

How do you like my rendition of this iconic Space Marine chapter? Leave a comment or reaction below!