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Well met Aspiring Champions, Technasma here again. Riding forth from the Realms of Chaos today are my Chaos Knights of Tzeentch!

The Knights ride to battle armed with Ensorcelled Weapons, which are painted as if glowing with eldrich energy. I don’t mind admitting that I took some tips from the excellent tutorial by Garfy here on Tale of Painters to get the glowing NMM style I wanted.

all devotees of Tzeentch my Warhammer
Fantasy Battles
army gladly embraces change and is switching to round Age of Sigmar bases. I’ve only done the
Chaos Knights so far but it’s improved them no end. They look so much more
dynamic and imposing now, and I no longer have the hassle of ranking them up!

The Knights ride to battle armed with Ensorcelled Weapons, which are painted as if glowing with eldrich energy. This was a great painting challenge and good fun to do. I don’t mind admitting that I took some tips from the excellent tutorial by Garfy here on Tale of Painters to get the glowing NMM style I wanted.

The Doomknight is gifted with a gribbly arm mutation bestowed upon him by his patron god. I converted this from 40K Possessed arm and a few of the mini tentacles which you can see poking out from under his pauldron. I really love his shield; all those eyes just scream Tzeentch! I added a third eye to his helmet too and glazed them with the same aqua-blue I used on the Ensorcelled Weapons and the other dæmonic elements of my army.

For the shields and barding I use several drybrushes then glazes of Vallejo Field Blue over GW Cantor Blue to build up the intensity. Edge highlights were done by adding white and Vallejo Dead Flesh to Field Blue. The War Steeds allowed me to add a new colour to the palette. I blocked in the skin areas with Charandon Granite and washed it back with Drakenhof Nightshade. Mid tones were picked out in the base colour and then highlighted with glazes of Stormvermin Fur followed by a thin edge highlight of Baneblade Brown. The longer hair was highlighted with Rackarth Flesh and Pallid Wych Flesh. I use the same blue-grey and off-white tones on the base to set off the corresponding colours on the model – it’s a great way to tie the model and the base together.

The Standard Bearer is a personal favourite of mine. Once again I used a bright magenta to mark out the command group models and used a converted icon of Tzeentch from a 40K Chaos Space Marine kit. The freehand symbol on his banner comes from a design on the Chaos Chariot bannerpole.

It’s great to be back again and I hope you enjoyed my miniatures – as ever I’d love to hear your thoughts in the Comments. I hope to share more on ToP soon, but in the meantime you can find me in my own corner of the Realm of Chaos at or on my Instagram and Twitter!

Until next time, may the Eye of the Gods look favourably upon you!
