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I did the Leadbelcher/Nightshade first so that I could be a bit fast and sloppy about it. With that done I completed the deepest recesses, which happen to be the skin. Then I broke the unit into five batches of five models and base coated each with a different color beard. Rhinox Hide for brunett, Mournfang Brown for gingers, Balor Brown for blonde, Mechanicus Standard Grey for grey and black for, well, black.
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Like me then … 🙂 I'm curious to see how it will come out your beards! Use the Balor for blondes is good advice! I'm working on longbeards 🙂
I like it! Are they made all via standard brush or airbrush?
All done with the good 'ol fashion sable brushes. These guys are far too tiny for airbrushing … well past the primer which I airbrush on.