Xoxtile is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Showcase: Shadespire Steelheart’s Champions
Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since I last posted some work here on Tale of Painters but I am back to share some Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire warbands as I get them done. First up are Steelheart’s Champions. My color scheme was...
Showcase: Tabletop World’s Townhouse II
Got the next piece in my Tabletop World stuff done. I am working up in scale and who would have guessed that a four story building takes as long as two one story ones? With so much uncertainty around the Fantasy scene lately, working on...
Showcase: Night Goblin Warboss on Great Cave Squig
Yes, I have a problem. I am hopelessly addicted to Night Goblins and Squigs. If anyone knows a 12 step program to help me get over this please post it below. I will freely admit that I never really liked this sculpt when it is...
Showcase: Tabletop World, Cottage
I am back after a bit of a hobby funk. From time to time I think we all go through them and I want to thank all my buddies who kept encouraging me to shake it off and get back at it. This little cottage...
Showcase: Tabletop World, Townhouse
My buddy and I got together to place a huge Tabletop World during their huge year end sale. These pieces are so stunning and very fun to paint. This first one was to test my color scheme out. I wanted to create a sun bleached...
Showcase: Night Goblin Warboss with Wizarding Hat
I painted this guy up to make a WYSIWYG Wizarding Hat Warboss for my US Masters list. He is one of my favorite Warboss models and I wouldn’t have made the alterations to the hat if I didn’t now have an extra to paint normally....
Showcase: Skaven Warp Lightning Cannon
It feels like ages since I have had the opportunity to post a showcase and man it feels good. I have been working (and still am) on the Dwarf Longbeards for months now. This project was a welcome respite from the stunties and I used...
WIP: Skaven Warp Lightning Cannon
So my buddy wants to play my Skaven at the US Masters coming up in February. I told him if he wanted to take something I didn’t have in my collection already I would happily paint it up if it wasn’t too much. In the...
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #9
Work has been eating up my hobby time over the last couple weeks but I did manage to get through a couple more steps on the Longbeards. Above you can see how I most recently was playing with various patterns (and soon colors) for the...
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #8
Well I am back from the holidays and getting some work done on the Longbeards. Gehenna’s Gold layered on a Balthasar Gold is what you see here. Up next is the final highlight of Auric Armour Gold and all the batch painting of details on...
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