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Hey all, thought I’d show the early stages of my Verminlord. Out of the five different options that you could make with the model I went with the Verminking. I’m not a Skaven player, so I choose the build as I like the way this one looks the most. Even though I was very close to choosing the Deceiver.
Maybe if I paint another I will do a Deceiver then. The model is fairly basic to put together. It’s best to leave the tail separate when painting as it really will get in the way and cause problems. Overall the model is a lot of fun so far and I should have photos of him finished up in the next few days. Did anyone pick up the new Skaven model?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
I really like the more nautral colours you are going for on this monster, he's looking great so far already
Corruptor. 6th request
Do you ever paint without an airbrush? Your models all look the same.
Looks sexy so far to me. 5th request.
If it's not broke…don't try to fix it.
I have to agree with anon here. You're a great painter Nuke, but you use the exact same colour scheme over and over. It would be nice to see some variation.
I love the skin so far. Very dramatic. Are you starting with a white base coat and then going over the armor, etc. with black?
…I guess what I'm saying is "fourth tutorial request."
Looks great so far. Can´t wait to see him finished. Love to see some (glowing) greens used.
third request for a tutorial! love the work!
Going to go with a Deceiver with mine, looking forward to how yours turns out. Liking the pale colour scheme and I second the request for a tutorial 😉
Looking good.
I look forward to your usual poorly-placed OSL. I think he could really use a pair of glowing horns and a glowing weapon.
Subtle troll is subtle.
Hey, I'm the only troll 'round these parts! Bugger off, anon! 🙂 haha
Tim, your not a troll. You basically are just very outspoken on what you do like and don't. Usually with a strong personal reason. The comment left by anon is quite frankly borderline pathetic and I ignore things like that as I have better things to do with my life.
LOL @ Tim.
You're one of the nicest trolls out there Tim.
glowing weapon could be cool!
I really love your colour pallette. Any chance you could do a tutorial on how you get that gritty grimdark feel to your miniatures?