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Continuing my winter themed Wood Elves showcase. This time the limited edition battle standard bearer from the Wood Elves army box deal.
Like most people I really miss the army box deals that would come out with each new book. They were a source of limited edition models, the new book and usually at a slight discount.
I want to include one side photo just for giggles … this guy is super flat. 😀
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Wow, I will be studying this in effort to pull off white models. Great work!
These strong bold colours with deep shading in the recesses make this model ooze depth and contrast. I like the uncomplicated design of the banner. The only thing I'm not keep on is the colour of the banner blending into the models cloak. Make it difficult to distinguish what is what. Minor niggle on an otherwise top notch paint job. Well done dude.
Nice! I like the free hand!