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Today I’ll show you a bunch of small, but important items from the Dreadfleet set – the Auxiliary Cogs.
These are rather tiny indeed. The base diameter must be about penny sized.
Each of them goes with one of the capital ships, and just painting the sails to fit the colour scheme doesn’t quite work. So each of the cogs requires some sort of freehand painting on the sails. So obviously from left to right it’s: Swordfish, Flaming Scimitar, Heldenhammer, Skabrus, Bloody Reaver, Black Kraken and Curse of Zandri.
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
@Nogle: Yeah, it can be daunting, but there are various ways to make it work. I suggest dusting for a base, followed by stark white highlights on the crowns of the waves for pre-shading, blue paint, highlights, blue wash, a bit of green wash here and there. On this particular set I used oil paints on the bases, which worked really great.
@matt: Thanks! 🙂
@Pawn Cocktail: Thanks very much! They are a bit fiddly indeed. 😉
Incredible detail on those sails, & all-round top-quality painting!
I want to start painting this set, but I'm confused on how to paint the water