The Cultists from Dark Vengeance have been sat on my desk unpainted for a long time. In this showcase I share the first squad of ten completed.
Chaos Cultists are a part of my 1500pt Black Legion army list that I’m working towards completing. Having painted five Cultists a while back I thought it was about time to finish the squad of ten. I started by painting a test model to remind myself of the paints I’d used originally. Then I painted one for a Chaos Cultist tutorial. This just left three to batch paint. Easy!
Ten close combat Cultists and a Chosen Aspiring Champion are all that remain of project Black Legion.
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I am looking forward to your rendition of the Aspiring Champion, as it is one of my favorite models in the CSM line.
Can't wait for the full army shot either!
Thanks mate. They're simple to paint, it would be easy to add more to the unit.
Looking good Garfy 🙂 Cultists are really useful and cheap in large blobs.