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That’s right, I now have two Boss models I can play with the Arabyan Carpet. Faithful followers of ToP will remember the first one but I must confess that I love this guy so much more.

The goofy oversized features of the old Hopper rider matches the scale and style of most of the other Night Goblin characters so he feels more Big Bossy. I gave him some looted equipment; Dwarf helm to represent his light armor upgrade; and the Skaven shield to be … well, his shield. The helm was given a red gem to represent the Dragonbane Gem.

The wings come from a Dark Eldar Scourges kit donated by my buddy for the cause (thanks Jesse!) and were super easy to attach. The base model has natural recesses that the wings slot right into with only a tiny bit of carving. After I painted the whole model the wings, while impressive, still felt a bit boring so I added all the freehand veins with thinned down Duchii Violet

I completed him just in time to take to the Victory or Death Tournament up in Vancouver B.C. There he proved himself the MVP in at least three games. I gave him the Arabyan Carpet, Dragonbane Gem, Shield of Ptolos and my favorite, the Shrieking Blade. That’s right, fear his wooden sword of DOOOM!