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Hi all, Banzai1000 here with a quick look at my (Web Exclusive) Captain of the Imperial Fists chapter. I painted this Space Marine Captain in the same manner as my 30th Anniversary Imperial Space Marine as I liked his paint scheme and want to practise painting yellow. Next will be the 25th Anniversary Space Marine, anyone remember this guy?
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Very nice, but the flat metal bar under the barrels of the storm-bolter is painted the same color as the hand, which throws the whole thing off a bit. As Siph-Horridus said a different color casing on the weapon would go a long was as well.
Great job, but I think the Storm Bolter looks too same-y, so perhaps would benefit from a black casing? I'd keep the skulls on the ammo magazine plain as its on a disposable magazine, but I think the Storm Bolter will benefit from a little touch of colour, and Black is very Imp Fist too.
I quite like both the Web Exclusive Captain sculpts personally, not dynamic, but imposing.
As techincally excellent as the painting is, I still can'l help but think that the sculpt is one of the worst in recent memory.
Still, you did an amazing job with what you had to work with.
Thx, the pose of the Bolter is a little bit strange i found, may be also a bit overloaded. Nevertheless painting this guy was fun :)))