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A Wet Palette stops your paint drying out. It’s really useful if you like mixing colours and it’s a real benefit if you paint in warm conditions. You can buy ready made Wet Palettes with refill sheets and those all work great but you really don’t need to. After the jump, I’ll share how to make one with things any hobbyist should have at home.

To make your own Wet Palette you will need:

  • The plastic tub and lid packaging from Games Workshop’s Static Grass or Grass Tufts
  • 3 Kitchen paper towel sheets (cut to 140mm x 100mm)
  • 1 Greaseproof paper sheetΒ (cut to 140mm x 100mm)

Now you have everything you need, start by cleaning the tub. You don’t want static grass getting in your paint. Place the three sheets of kitchen towel in the tub and then add enough water to soak every part of the sheet. Tip out any excess. Finally place your greaseproof paper on top and smooth out any air bubbles.

You’re now ready to mix your paint on the grease proof paper. Just remember to place the lid back on to stop your paint from drying out. You’ll need to add a little water to kitchen paper towel occasionally. My paint tends to stay wet anywhere from 3 to 6 days.

Bonus Tip

You can use rare earth magnets in the corners to hold down the Greaseproof paper if you find that it curls up.

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