This is what I have been working on lately to finish up the Hammerers. I am theming my Dwarfs around Belegar which explains the red/purple/white color scheme. I call the unit the Ruby Regiment, the blood sworn bodyguard of Belegar Ironhammer, King of Karak Eight Peaks. I pulled the Eight Peaks banner icon from the Dwarfs book but gave it a round blood drop bottom and a Rune of Courage for good measure.
Almost done with the unit now. Need to decide on the color for the handles of the weapons, add some eyes and finally base them.
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That is just stunning !
Good lord, that's gorgeous. Can't wait to see them all finished.
How can you see this guy's models and question why he likes WFB? Brilliant models that he routinely turns up to 11.
Warhammer is a great game. I dislike 40k personally. It's all just opinion. Also the models look amazing =P If you're into fantasy stuff. FYI this model looks great!
Why do you like Warhammer a Fantasy so much?
I want this printed on a tshirt. It's turning into a catchphrase.
I'm being serious. I quit playing WHFB since the prices were so high and Empire/WOC seemed to be the only factions getting updates.
In Xoxtile's introduction post you can learn more about him and possibly answer your question on why does he like Warhammer Fantasy so much.
Personally, I don't see the need the question someone's passion. I'm just happy for him that he's found something he really likes doing.
I think a lot of the recent the models for fantasy are really nice. Not played the game,but its more popular at my local store than 40K. I heard the rules are more balanced.
I prefer Warmachine and Bolt Action. Both are lot cheaper to play than WHFB and every update has something for every faction in the game. I don't really like the new miniatures, 1/35 scale plastics from the Far East are far more detailed and cheaper.
Hey that's great. Really pleased you found an area of the miniature wargaming hobby you're happy with.