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I was planning on showing Death Guard Lords of Decay for this post, but unfortunately my Camera has gone a little crazy and the photos I took earlier today all went a little weird. So hopefully for the next few posts I will be able to show them if I can bash some sense into the camera and get its settings back to normal.

So today I am showing some Hellstriders of Slaanesh. Altogether I have painted 15 of them. I still have yet to finish up the whips and add a few tiny details on the body armor etc. But I would say they are about 80% complete. I’m quite happy with how they turned out. As before with the Knights of Chaos and the Chariot I used a similar color scheme. 

On a different note I picked up a bunch of the new Space Marines on the weekend and just finished putting together some Centurions. Is it just me or are they a real pain in the a£$e to put together? Let me know.