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I painted these models a while ago, but with the news of Vampire Counts getting a new army book real in January I thought it would be a good time to share them. Click ‘more after the jump’ to see individual close ups.
Is anyone else tempted to start Vampire Counts? Maybe you already have an army. Feel free to comment and link pics of your army in the comments section.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
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I left a comment yesterday but it's vanished! Really good warbang, I love the lead vampire character – striking.
I like to dreg models. Great looking warband. I like the colorful yet muted colour palette you used. The bases look very crisp and really bring the warband together.
Thanks for all the comments guys.
@ Messenger of Death – The bases are made by adding a thin layer of milliputt to the base and then I add the cracks and joins using a straight sculpting tool.
Great warband, I love the mix of classic and contemporary models! The skin on the Vampire and the bases overall are my highlights! 🙂
They are lovely! I love the Vampire Counts range but I just don't feel like doing another Fantasy army with the number of models you need for them… seriously, in WD they never show Fantasy armies with less than 150 models, who is gonna paint this to a reasonably painting level?
Nice gang! I have always had a thing for Mordheim. Not so much for the game, but for the small 'armies' to create, and make real pieces of art of them, with these little bits of personalizing. I even won 2nd place at the Dutch Lage Landen (Lowlands) competition with my Shadow Elves, and it was a sheer joy to paint them.
I always enjoy seeing someone else's Gang. So here's my hat off to you!
makes me want to dustoff my Possessed warband..really like the Dire Wolves 🙂
The warband looks great. The Igor looks right at home with his Vampire lord. Was wondering if you could share how the stone tiles on the bases were made.