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Moving on to less wacky stuff , here’s a Death Korps of Krieg grenadiers squad plus some special weapons guys (heavy stubber and Meltagun) and the good quartermaster.
Hope that you like them, there’s more to come (because when it comes to the Imperial Guard there’s ALWAYS more 😉 )!
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
I always loved the boys of Krieg and your rendition is great. My favorite among them is the heavy weapons specialist mounting his weapon on the rock in the right, flawless.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks very much for the comment, Bog Witch! Yeah, the uniforms are based on early WW1 French uniforms.
There will be quite a lot more DKoK stuff popping up over the next two weeks on here and on so stay tuned. 🙂 All these of course aren't my own minis, it's all commission work. IG pretty much was always my main army though. The mainstray of my dudes are Catachan models with some plastic Cadians thrown in as well as more exotic stuff like imperial beastmen, quite a few squats, Ogryns, lots of Ratlings and so on.
I own an unhealthy amount of metal Valhallans (about 100 infantry), a platoon of Tallarns and proper metal Cadians, plus single squads of all the other metal regiments. 🙂 Alas, when I find time to paint them is the big question…
Hot damn, those are some gorgeous minis. The crimson spot colour looks excellent. Love the skull gas masks and the hard highlights on that stubber. Wooden furnishing on the guns is a great touch. They look and feel like WW1 trench raiders (minus the mud) which is a vibe I always got from the design of the DK range.
I hope you have more DKoK to showcase? Or are the rest of your guard drawn from other regiments?