Hi All, It’s Ksusha here. I’ve got a tutorial video for Herald of Nurgle. It’s probably my most thought through video to date. I really tried to make the steps logical and easy to follow, as well as the visuals and voice over in place. After all I’m far from pro at my editing. The tutorial covers a few useful techniques.
For example:
-Zenithal highlight to get all the shading dramatic and clear to enhance later
-Nurgle flesh with bleeding wounds
-How to paint a cloth using pigments
-And finally metalic on the arm
Those basics can help not only in painting nurgle, but other models too.
What do you think?
P.s. I know sometimes I get confused for TEN, so just to clarify. Chris and I are husband and wife, he paints for a living, whereas I have a day job. The video channel is completely my work, but of course all painting ideas are Chris’s. I have background in art and can copy well how he paints under his guidance.
I’ve been very busy with other projects, so didn’t make videos for a year. I’ve been asked many times for tutorials, so I will try to do a few soon : )
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As boring as it sounds, I'd like to see your take on Ultramarines through an airbrush, what with the new codex and all, as I myself have just bought an airbrush set up and enough space marines to drown a small child with
I'd be especially interested how you're doing blood and OSL effects … don't really mind on which miniature, they all look stunning 😀
Brilliant. Well done guys. Very informative. I'm expecting to see a million clones of this Nurgle army now, which is a massive compliment to you guys.
Amazing tutorial and long awaited! Can't wait for the next one 🙂
Eldar gets my vote for next video! 😛
Hey, thanks all for the kind words 🙂 If I was to make further video tutorials what sort of thing's would you like to see painted?
Yay! Tutorial! Finally 😀
Thanks a lot! 🙂
This step by step is the foundation in most of my WOC , thanks for sharing ��
finally a long awaited thirdeyenuke tutorial! thank you so much!
It was an excellent tutorial I enjoyed it thank you!
Hey thanks for the tutorial. I'm going to try it out on some Plaguebearers I've been meaning to paint for some time. Thumbs up and keep them coming.