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I painted Arjac as a recent commission. This is the second time I’ve painted this model. First time being 2 years ago and I would sure say this version is looking far superior!
What do you guys think?
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Nice Arjac. I would post mine but…how best to photograph a miniature would help. Faces are hard and mine are almost all poor, including the commander's….
I have never liked the Grey SW look, prefer the armor that looks like frozen ice myself. However, that is a great looking model. I have a lot of wolves but haven't touched my Arjac model yet, but might have to now.
Could you please do a tutorial for Arjac as that's one of the best Arjacs I have seen.
Great armor but did you have a 5 year old paint the face or something?You should really do that over.
You're just being rude now for the sake of it. I'm a champion of free speech, but that's uncalled for. Shame on you.
I just read that comment above as well and find it disgusting.Being a regular on Tale of Painters and a fan of TEN's work I have seen this person Tim many a times want to degrade TEN's work with quite nasty comments when the work he had done was top notch. The Arjac above is very nicely done and doesn't deserve hate. Well done Garfy for pointing this fellow out. And again shame on you Tim. Not good.
Tim, if I thought the work was bad as with any of my work I would not bother showing it. I wouldn't waste my time.
I apologize. It was rude, but I didn't do it for the the sake of being rude. The face is the most important part of the model. Get it wrong and the whole piece suffers.
Basically mate.Get lost.Don't need this in the community.
Tim has apologised. We can all move on now. No need for a witch hunt. We can get back to the important thing of painting models. 🙂
I really like it! A lot of drybrushing went into that I imagine? I must echo the others in saying the bright white teeth draw too much attention to themselves and look out of place in such a dark model.
I think space wolves suit your style wonderfully!!! Wow that is a nice Rockfist!
I have the model in my drawer for some time…and seeing what you did with it, I think I'll try to paint it! I just add my voice to Albert's – would you help us a little and share with us the paints used and steps taken?
Thanks! Tomas
I like the yellow accents over the muted armour. If anything I would tone down the teeth/fangs, they look a bit too bright for a barbarian 🙂
What is the color recipe for the armour?