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Hey all, today I’m showing Krull which is a large model by the excellent company Mierce Miniatures. Mierce Miniatures really do some great models.

They are very well cast and the resin is top quality. I believe the Krull model was designed by one of Forge World ex-staff. The Krull model is 7.5 inches tall and 8 inches wide. He was fairly easy to assemble even though the model did not come with instructions. I just used the images on the box to see how he was supposed to look. My only negative about the model is when it comes to painting. The model has a lot of detail and because of the positioning of the wings, the axe, the chest horns and skewer it make the model quite hard to get to. Also all these parts have a tendency to catch onto you when handling. I had several moments when I thought I was going to drop him during painting. The model also required a lot of green stuff/epoxy to fill in the gaps on parts, so painting him in separate pieces would not be a option. So anyone else own any Mierce Miniatures? and how did you find them, say compared to Forge World and other companies that cast in resin?