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Next up on my painting station are Forge World’s Shadow Spectres. I really love their design, but cleaning and assembling was a major pain in the rear. These were the most fiddly and complicated (resin) models I ever had, and it took me a whole week to clean the models. I used so much green stuff and liquid green stuff, I believe the models were more green than grey in the end… anyways, they should be a nice addition to my Eldar collection. As you can see, I cut down the rocks as I felt they were too dominating, and inspired by ThirdEyeNuke’s Shadow Spectres I’m going for a silver paint scheme. So far I’ve basecoated the armour with my airbrush and started to shade the silver with P3 Turquoise Ink and Guilliman Blue glaze. Let’s see how they’ll turn out…

Has anyone had the “pleasure” of assembling some Shadow Spectres as well?